
So I have decided to start a new Tuesday tradition on our little blog here. Its called
Mama Made It
  and I hope to featured tons of DIY for mamas to make for their babies as well as themselves. I'll be coming up with the DIY's for the first couple of weeks, but soon I hope to feature some other awesome mamas with fun projects. If you are interested in being part of Mama Made It, or if you have some good ideas for features, please feel free to email me!

So this week, Cruz and I made some salt dough aka playdough. It has got to be the simplest thing ever to make and it keeps little ones busy for suuuch a long time.

Here is the simplest recipe I have, though there are many variations depending on the consistency that you like!

Salt Dough 
4 cups flour
1 cup of salt
1 1/2 cups warm water

Yup, thats it! So simple. 

So here is how it goes down.

disclaimer: some might like to wear gloves as the salt can be really drying on your hands, but it does make it harder to mix. 

Start by posting your baby up in a sink bath so that you can keep an eye on them while you are working (totally essential step.)  

Add flour and salt to a medium size mixing bowl

Slowly add warm water as you begin to mix and knead with your hands. 
Don't bother with a spoon, it just makes things messier.
Tip: cover your hands in flour so the dough doesnt stick to your hands as its REALLY sticky at first.

Use a folding motion, as in fold the dough in on itself. You should end with something like this.
I added blueberries to this one to get a purply/blue color.

I added strawberries to this one for a pinky/red color.
I also halved the recipe for these two batches.

Lastly, cover the highchair with a towel, remove baby from sink and plop them down in their seat.
Tuck the towel in to keep them warm (and cover peeps for picture purposes).
Hand over the salt dough and let the playing begin.

Hope you and baby enjoy!!

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