
On Saturday...

Yesterday was the day of silence for Japan. But I didn't want to not post Fridays Finds.

There wasnt much shopping going on this week, so  I did what I always do in that situation, which is to closet shop. Shop in my own closet.

Here are my favorite finds this week:

1. Mama and baby elephant incent burner. I am not really a fan of burning incents, it hurts my nose. But Whole Foods sells fresh sweet grass that smells lovely when burned.

2. Beautiful pattern on the new top and skirt vintage set I picked up at the thrift store and soon to be featured on my etsy.

3. Baby boy Adidas with gold detailing. Does it get any cuter?

4. Friend. That's his name. He was mine when I was a little girl.  He was my love and went everywhere with me. Most of his fur is worn off and he is missing an eye, but he asked me to photograph his good side. Fair enough, old friend.

5. A print I made. Literally just words printed on reinforced card stock. But its nice to go to sleep to at night and wake up to in the morning.

6. Instagram iPhone app. I was instantly obsessed. Probably why they called it INSTAgram. Maybe not.

What about you, have you had any great finds this week?

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing little pics of you and Cruz pop up on my instagram feed!
