

I know that every time I introduce a new sponsor I say that they are my favorite. But honestly, ladies, I dont think it gets much more original then this! I bring you, THE BABY BURROW from Posh Green Goods:

"The benefits of carrying baby close don't have to end when cold weather is upon us. The Baby Burrow babywearing poncho was designed by a mama with the desire and need to carry her baby, even in cold weather."

 Are you in love yet? I've mentioned before that I wear Cruz all the time and I think this is just the most ingenious creation ever.

1. How long have you been creating?
I have always been a dreamer, literally, falling asleep with visions of clothing I wanted to wear. But since they were imagined in my own mind, and didn't really exist, the only way to actually get to wear them was to create them myself. I didn't do much sewing at a young age, and instead found creative expression in the one of a kind vintage garments I would spend hours hunting for at local thrift shops as a teenager and young adult. In my mid twenties, at the same time as I was starting my vintage clothing company, Classic Girl Vintage, I was also raising my first child, a little boy. I was always on the go, commuting by bus, and walking around the city a lot. He was in a baby carrier all the time. He was a summer baby, but as cooler weather approached, I found it difficult to fit him in the carrier when he was wearing his coat, and then the carrier over my coat. It was bulky and uncomfortable. In an effort to reduce the bulk but keep the warmth, I began wrapping shawls, blankets, or whatever else would fit over us. Then, while drifting off to sleep one night, the idea for my Baby Burrow filled my dreams.

2. What inspires you?
I am inspired when thinking about how I can be a contribution to friends and family, and on a larger scale of humanity and this planet. My most meaningful creations have risen out of my desire to make a difference. For example, the original Baby Burrow, before it even had a name, was created with the comfort, warmth, and shelter of my sweet baby in mind. Once I began wearing the poncho and I began getting requests from others to make and sell them, I began thinking of how I could provide this product to other people in a responsible, functional, yet fashionable way. This is why my Baby Burrows are made from recycled eco-fleece, are super cozy and easy to wear, and are aesthetically pleasing, each enhanced by the addition of vintage jacquard ribbon trim.

 Cute right? I would wear this without Cruz!

3. What is your favorite thing in your shop? Why? When I first created the shop Posh Green Goods, my vision was to provide many different affordable high end products that were socially responsible and environmentally sustainable. The Baby Burrow was actually the first and only product created, as I quickly began putting a lot of time into my vintage clothing business. I haven't given up on the idea of Posh Green Goods offering other products, but as of right now, the Baby Burrow is Posh Green Goods' one true love.

Vintage Trims

4. Anything else you would like my readers to know about you and your products?
I am a very open and honest person. I love to talk, share stories, listen, and learn. I am available if anyone has any specific questions for me regarding my shop, my Baby Burrow, or anything else. My birthday is this month, and although it is nice to receive gifts, giving gifts is even better. I am excited for the chance to give away a Baby Burrow to one of your very lucky readers!


That's right ladies, you heard correctly, Posh Green Goods is giving away a Baby Burrow to one lucky winner. Thats a $95.00 value!!!! What could be better for this crazy, cold winter months? Especially for how unseasonably cold its been lately (well at least in California).
The giveaway starts today and goes through until the end of January. The winner will be chosen on Feb. 1st (more like Feb. 2nd, because the 1st is Cruz's 1st birthday!) via Random.org.
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So that gives you tons of chances to enter and win! Get on it!

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